Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 94!

Vacation day 4!
Rocky Mountain National Park. 

At this point I was no longer a mile high like in Denver, nope. Try 7,522 feet above sea level. My sister said we were higher than that later on, but I didn't see the sign. So I'm sticking to 7,522 feet.

Something great about being that bugs! Well very little at least. Apparently some bugs can't live in high altitudes, wish I would have known that before I sprayed on the bug spray, half the people in the parking lot turned to stare at me. Oops.

Copeland Falls in the Wild Basin area.

There were signs at the beginning of the park warning hikers not to go into the water. Not only is the water frigid, but the water is strong and the rocks are slippery, making them deadly. Not as if I didn't believe the signs, but I had to touch the water. And yes, they were right the water was like ice!

There was a woman sitting watching the water and out of know where she shouted because a fish jumped over the dam, of course I missed it. I stood in this spot for about five minutes waiting, but I didn't see another fish.

So when I first saw this I was like oh my goodness this has to be from a mountain lion or bear! And then I googled what bear or mountain lion scratches would look like and they are intense. So now I'm not too sure what this is from.

I'm also not too sure what this cutie is. There was an entire family of these birds, just walking around. This was the baby, the parents were a little smaller than chickens. 

More river/creek pictures!

The water was so clean and pretty, so badly I wanted to jump into it. I was joking with my sister saying I could totally handle that water (which I knew I couldn't). Her response... "Oh yeah, you're Michael Phelps now?"

I'm usually pretty good at being inconspicuous at taking photos of people/things. But I failed miserably right here. Out of nowhere down the trail two guys on horses came trotting through. The white horse was HUGE and I wanted to take a photo of him, as I tried, the first guy on the horse noticed. Look at that smile lol.

There was sooo much hiking, but we really didn't stay all that much. One, the altitude made if extremely difficult to breathe. Two, my mother has a bad foot and can't walk all that much. Three, we were starving and in the woods there isn't a place to stop to get something to eat. And four, other than my mom and I, my family isn't very much into nature and didn't want to stay any longer. This killed me. 

Finally civilization. Sorta. This was probably the cutest little store, like one you would expect from a movie. It was about the size of a walk in closet. All wooden inside, only selling the necessities. The old man working there fit the part as well, he was adorable.

Cutest little church.

Can you see the snow?! I loved that. About 85 degrees out and up on the mountains you could see snow. 

Lily Lake.

The park ranger here told us to look for the moose that would sometimes come out. Unfortunately I didn't get to see any. This entire trip everyone told us oh look out for the moose, elks, mule deer, coyotes, bears, bobcats, mountain lions, mountains goats and everything else. But I saw very very few wild animals. Psh.

This tree looked so crazy.

I kept using my zoom lens on this mountain, hoping to see any sort of animal, but nope nothing.

While I was taking this photo, with my eye up to the camera a man behind me goes "That'll be a great picture!" Scared the hell out of me. lol.

All that green down there nope not grass, but trees. Told ya I was high up there.

"And I go head first in the river. Head first in the river. Lost my breath in the river. Head first in the... Move it's what they say."

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