Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 60!

Happy Beltane/May Day!

This year, since my sister accidentally bought my mother tickets to a Broadway show that happened to be on Easter, we didn't have a real Easter this year. Which is fine because my mother instead said we would celebrate Beltane, a Celtic holiday.

We weren't going to do anything totally traditional, other than have pork and I was going to make an Irish tea cake. However I messed all of that up. I'm kinda sick, well not kinda, really and I doubt anyone wants me to contaminate their dessert with my sickly cooties. Also I put my mom off schedule with cooking because she took me to the doctor today. So instead it's baked ziti! lol, love the thought of having an Italian dish during an Irish holiday.

Not to be completely not with the holiday,  yesterday afternoon with a couple of sticks from the yard, I made a few mini maypoles.  I wish I was capable of making an actual one, I used/danced around a maypole once, it was actually kind of fun. Maybe for the summer solstice, I'll see what I can do.

"and tell the whole world, to dance with me."

1 comment:

  1. NICE BLOG!!!
